David Haas
Chantek Mary McNeilage
Prenatal & Birth Therapy
Prenatal & Birth therapy provides a safe space to make sense out of challenges that are occurring in the way we relate today.
From early in our life we created survival strategies to get us through events that were too much for us to process. These strategies or behaviours can arise from our unconscious and feel as if they are to do with today. Although when we look at them they appear out of context to what is actually happening. This therapy gently supports us to differentiate these historical events from today and to integrate the past traumas in a way that supports healing and relationship.
It is offered for all stages of life including challenges to conceive, pregnancy, birth through to early life, childhood and into adulthood.
Eminent independent midwife Mary Jackson uses the practice of prenatal & birth therapy in her midwifery practise. She has noted since using this therapy that there has been a marked reduction in the transfer to hospital rate as well as an increase in mothers breast-feeding following birth.
David runs womb surround process workshops for individuals to gently integrate early traumatic imprinting from the prenatal, birth and early years of life.
Chantek sees both individuals and families and runs prenatal & birth exploration workshops with small groups of adults.