Nutritional Therapy

Please contact me to find out which level of support is best for your personalised needs.

07812 163 324
0207 722 3939 (Kailash reception)

Do you have a picture of your ideal self and health in your mind’s eye? Personalised nutrition and lifestyle grounded in evidence-based principles can make the difference between you feeling just “okay” and feeling in top mental and physical form. Eating in a way that helps you feel your best and is nevertheless fully enjoyable is a challenge for some people. I help you strike a balance between the two.

I help empower men and women who are struggling with their weight and relationship to food, digestion, energy levels, sleep, bladder health, skin health and hormones (thyroid, adrenals, female & male hormones) to take back control over their health. I also offer a range of functional tests to help identify any imbalances which may be contributing to your concerns.

Achieving the success you want is easier than you might think. That's because I use a tried and tested step-by-step, individualised approach to provide you with the tools and skills to help you actualise your wellness goals.

My aim is to provide you with personalised nutritional and lifestyle knowledge, along with the equally important (yet often neglected) support you need to help make your vision a reality. Theoretical knowledge without the support to put it into actual daily practice isn’t helpful because it just remains potential knowledge!

Please feel free to contact me for a complimentary 30 minute Empowered To Thrive Call to see how I can help you feel your best again.